Simple Joy - Mindful Notes

At Thielo we aim to provide more than just skin care, we want to promote self-care. That is why we provide our family's secret tips to living life to the fullest.

Simple Joy - Thielo Mindful Notes for Better Living

Need a 'pic me up'?

As a family based company, we share a lot of time together. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming.

So when one of us needs a pick up, we pull out our Little Jar of Simple Joy. In it are mindful notes to connect us with what is important in life.

How to find a mindful pick me up
Why use Mindful Notes

Why use them? What do they contain?

When you are feeling off, sometimes it’s hard to think of things that will connect you to what matters.

That is why we use notes. They contain tips which have worked before to make us happier, more connected and place us in a better mindset. These notes are our family secret and the truth we live by.

Great, how can I start?

We send a free ‘Mini Jar of Simple Joy’ with each purchase. But we want to share this with everyone! 

So below is a link to download a FREE PDF (no sign up required) which you can print and cut out to make your very own ‘Mini Jar of Simple Joy’.

Getting Started with Thielo Simple Joy Mindful Notes
The Little Jar of Simple Joy

Some tips to make it look nice

We use 24lb colored paper to print the messages on. We carefully cut and roll them up by hand, using 6mm jewelry rings to keep the messages together. We place them in 10ml glass bottles with cork tops. It makes for a fun experience, pulling out a message to see what it contains. They always work. And they are completely free! Download Here

Email: [email protected] – Phone: 800-604-4481
Address: 5301 E Waverly Dr, Unit 162, Palm Springs, CA, 92264

© Thielo Inc 2019